Imagination Valley, Capadoccia, Turkey
The Full Moon
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I initially began following the moon when I began practicing Ashtanga yoga. It is a daily yoga practice with days of rest on the new moon and full moon. When I started practicing Ashtanga yoga, my life changed. I learned that all the answers could be found within.
Behind the process: I made these photographs when I was wandering alone in the hills of Cappadocia. The city was particularly quiet because the country was going through a coup and tourism had virtually stopped. I was fascinated by the brightness of the night and the silhouettes of the surrounding hills and wanted to capture the brilliance of this extraordinary moment of brilliance. I had never photographed the moon before, and I wasn’t sure if I would be able to given the difficulties of photographing with a regular camera. But with my two steady hands and a shutter speed of nearly a full second, I held my breath and stood still to harness the light of the moon. I then began experimenting with the movement of the moon and did some fun painting in the sky moving my camera with the shutter open. It was my first time light painting in this way.
When you dream, where do you go?